Vanishing Students:

Confronting the Crisis of School Absenteeism


Confronting the Crisis of School Absenteeism

An On-Demand Webisode

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About Our Webisode

Join us for an important discussion where we break down the causes of absenteeism and provide practical strategies to help your teen reconnect with their education.

Gain valuable insights to help guide your teen back to academic success.

  • The Growing Concern of Absenteeism: Get the true picture of the trend affecting so many families.

  • Impact on Future Opportunities: Discover the true ramifications of absenteeism.

  • There is Hope: We'll share tools and approaches that can help turn things around!

About the Host, Tara B

Throughout my career, I've helped countless students transform their challenges into victories. I've seen hundreds of young people go from feeling unsure of their future to thriving in their ideal post-secondary programs, all because they had the right guidance and support.

As a parent, you want your teen to feel confident, capable, and ready to take on the world. But let’s face it—there’s a lot of pressure on them (and on you) to get it right.

Every teen has the power to create the life they want. My role is to help them see that power within themselves. Whether they’re navigating the complexities of post-secondary decisions or working through self-doubt, I guide them in embracing their strengths, staying true to their passions, and developing the resilience to handle whatever life throws their way.

Let's spend an hour together so I can share some valuable insights that will make your teen feel empowered, confident and ready to take on the next chapter of their life!

Unlock Your Teen's Path To Success

Discover the Causes, Effects and Solutions to Chronic Absenteeism